Happy Moses Changing Basket
Changing time, tummy time, or massage time! When it’s time to lay baby down, the last thing they want is a cold thin surface on their warm little body. So we created a strong Moses basket changing basket loved by moms and dads! Baby baskets are a cozy first nest for babies, easy to carry, and very elegant.

The changing table is designed to be an elegant alternative to standard changing tables, for people who value design and comfort. If you decide to buy the mattress, the changing table can also serve as a Moses basket in the first months of your life (always under parental supervision). It is light, it is stylish, and it is perfect for your newborn.

This is also an amazing idea for a gift. Made with natural corn husk finished with a fabric ribbon. Thanks to their narrow and welcoming shape, the newborn will feel protected and safe as in the womb. Your new changing station for the nursery fits beautifully on any standard-sized baby changing table

Lenght (cm): 78
WIdht (cm) / Depth (cm): 43
Height (cm): 11.5
Weight (kg): 1.5
Any questions? Write to us: info.cozynursery@gmail.com