Gender Neutral Nursery Design Tips for New Parents
Expecting a baby? Lots of worries coming up? What name to give, which bed to buy, will it be a boy or a girl? I know all that very well:) The hardest task for me was to make a nursery design without knowing who is my baby
Then I thought why not to make the base of the design and then adjust it to my baby
So here’s my idea!
GREY IS THE CLUE Use grey wall paint. Don’t think it can be dark for a baby. In fact, what your baby needs the first year is a comfortable place to sleep. You will try to make the room as dark as possible to put your child to bed at the daytime, using all possible tricks:) like blinds that don’t let the light through.
Photo Credits: @mamma.line
MATCH COLOUR When you have grey walls you are free to make the room for a girl or a boy. Do you know what colors match grey? Almost all of them! So addicting pink accessories and furniture can change it to a nice girlish bedroom and add yellow or white can make it stylish for both boys and girls. Blue with grey is fantastic too.
Photo Credits: @mamma.line
WHITE WALL DECALS Yes! White clouds, dots or hearts or even super cool geometric shapes animals. The rooms get a real graphic feeling and the background becomes alive.
Photo Credits: @mamma.line
WHITE FURNITURE Absolutely white and splendid! White cots, mini sofas, bookcases will stand out of the room design and give the room more graphics features.
Photo Credits: @mamma.line
FLOOR Natural oak is the best to match the grey color in the room. There is an even oak packet with a bit white brushing on the surface. It looks really nice and the touch is great! It’s good for a child to start walking on such a floor surface as it is not slippery and will do some massaging to the tiny feet.
Photo Credits: @mamma.line
TOYS MATTER For this kind of nursery it is advisable to keep white and natural brown toys as a decor. So white rabbits and brown bears are welcome:) All the colorful stuff has to be stored in the special box grey or natural cotton bags. There are plenty of options today. Of course, it’s great to order on Etsy something special:) And a luxury retro car is a great advantage as an accessory for the boy’s room as well.
- Photo Credits: @andrealingjerde
And follow your heart and gut feeling.
You are a mum!
And mum knows the best what is good for the baby! Good luck! Share your thoughts and ask any questions.
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